If you have the MicroPython examples saved, head to the following folder in your downloads. If you want the board to run blink every time the board is powered up, just follow the note provided at the end the previous example.
Once the code runs, you will see the LED blink. Tim.init(freq=2.5, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=tick) # a current limiting resistor with the LED. # Note that the GPIO for the LED was adjusted # The following code was originally written by This is assuming that we are connecting a current limiting resistor and an LED between the GPIO17 and GND. In this case, we'll use the RP2040's GPIO17 that is connected to the Qwiic connector so that we do not have to solder pins to the board. Since we are using the example that was written specifically for the Pico as opposed to the Pro Micro RP2040, we'll need to adjust the pin. Once you open it in Thonny, adjust the pin number to the GPIO that the LED is connected to. Of course, you can also copy and paste the code provided after the next paragraph as well. Your code should look like the following. pico-micropython-examples/ blink/ blink.py. You'll want to make sure that you are using the Thonny editor to avoid this error. As a result, the pasted code will not be interpreted correctly by REPL. While you can copy and paste, the terminal window will not recognize indents for loops or custom defined subroutines. Note: If you are using a terminal window and REPL, you will need to type the functions into the terminal window. On the back of the board you can access the USB data pins and power for either USB 1.1 Host or Device.

GND, of course, is the common, ground voltage (0V reference) for the system.

The Qwiic Pro Micro will remain "off" until the reset line is pulled back to high. This pin is pulled high by a 10kΩ resistor on the board, and is active-low, so it must be connected to ground to initiate a reset. However, the pin is broken out if you need to access this pin externally. There is a built-in reset button to reset the board. RST can be used to restart the Pro Micro RP2040.If the board is powered through the raw "+" pin, this pin can be used as an output to supply 3.3V other devices. We suggest using regulated 3.3V when connecting to this pin. 3.3V is the voltage supplied to the on-board RP2040.On the other hand, if the board is powered externally, through this pin, the applied voltage can be up to 5.3V. V), the voltage at this pin will be about 4.8V (USB's 5V minus a Schottky diode drop). + is the raw, unregulated voltage input for the Pro Micro RP2040.V is the voltage provided from the USB connector.The back of the board also has the USB pins broken out for power There are a variety of power and power-related nets broken out to connectors and through hole pads.